Hey guys! Today I am sharing a Little Bit of My Life! Just a taste of what’s been going on! (Hence the name! Ha!) I hope you enjoy!!
We won district!! Softball. Softball. Softball. All. The. Dang. Time. As a plus I get to spend A LOT of time with some of my very best friends!
Selfies before games! I think it’s good luck!😉
Winner, winners!!
I had this red, large thing on my leg that appeared to be a bug bite. I assumed it was and didn’t think another thing about it. A week or two later it still hadn’t gone away. I asked my mom about, and she thought it was a bug bite-but had no idea how long it had been there. When we were out on the lake Momma noticed it, and started getting more worried about it. Was it a spider bite? Was I allergic to something? Or was it just a infected mosquito bite? We had no clue. I went to my aunts house, who was a nurse, and she took a look at it. She popped it...that hurt...and turns out it was a infected hair folic. So anyways, I am fine now! Ha!
Sweet Vivi! She said, “I gonna blow a kiss, ok?” Love my cousin! Or custers as Mimi calls them! (Cousin-sisters! Ha!)
Practice! It’s better with friends!
That’s all for today! I hoped you enjoyed!
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